Wood Working Equipment

The journey does not begin here, but this may be the most exciting part.

band saw use and safety

Your path should be exciting, but safe at the same time.

scroll saw safety 

The scroll saw is an excellent first project piece of machinery. Fun, safe, and versatile.

drill press safety

It's nearly impossible to get hurt on a drill press, and yet, the impossible has happened.  Be careful young Wood Master.


The world is 3 dimensional

and so is your duck.



Lovely joinery requires different pieces of wood working equipment.  Learn here.

Bench Sander

Okay. This isn't the most charming safety video, but it gets the job done. There are some things that you must know about the bench sander, like the disc spins counter clockwise, that will keep you safe.  Watch the video. Take the quiz.  Then you can use the sander.